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Prominent Veins

Written by: Becki Murray

Updated by: Becki Murray

Last Updated: 15 January 2024

Blue, purple, or green – whatever colour prominent veins appear, they can be annoyingly noticeable and tricky to treat, showing up as enlarged, lumpy or twisted lines just under your skin. Also known as ‘varicose’ or ‘spider veins’, they can rear their ugly heads all over your body, including the legs, hands, arms, and chest. We’ll tell you now, you’ll probably need a tweakment (or more invasive options) to show them a firm goodbye, but our FAQs provide all you need to know, from what causes them to how to avoid them coming back.

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What are prominent veins?

Prominent veins, also known as varicose or spider veins, refer to enlarged and visible blood vessels that appear close to the skin’s surface. Often blue, green or purple in colour, they can be seen on various parts of the body, including the legs, hands, and even the face. For many individuals, prominent veins can cause cosmetic concerns and lead to self-consciousness, but they can also be associated with discomfort, such as aching, itching, or a feeling of heaviness in the affected area.

What are the differences between prominent veins on the face and body?

While the underlying causes are similar, prominent veins on the face and body may differ in size and appearance. Facial veins, often known as spider veins or broken capillaries, are typically smaller and may form in clusters, resembling tiny red or purple lines. On the other hand, varicose veins, commonly found on the legs, can be larger and bulging, sometimes causing a twisting or rope-like appearance.

Prominent Veins

What causes prominent veins?

  1. Genetics: How visible your veins are often comes down to your genetics. That means if your parents on certain areas like their legs and hands, you may be more likely to experience them.
  2. Age: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen, meaning it is less pump and the skin itself gets thinner. This can make your veins more noticeable.
  3. Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays causes skin damage and collagen breakdown. This can decrease skin quality and increase the visibility of veins.
  4. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes, increased blood volume and changes in blood flow during pregnancy can cause veins to become more prominent, especially in your legs.
  5. Exercise: Physical activity increases blood flow and encourages blood vessels to dilate, making veins more noticeable.
  6. Weight changes: Significant weight loss can cause a reduction in the fat layer under the skin, making veins more visible. Any weight fluctuation can also have an effect on blood circulation, leading to vein enlargement.
  7. Skin tone: People with fair skin tend to have more visible veins compared to those with darker skin tones. This is because lighter skin allows veins to show through the skin.
  8. Weakened values: Weak valves in your veins means they don’t allow blood to flow properly, leading to blood pooling and the formation of varicose veins. These are swollen, twisted and visible through the skin.
  9. Temperature: Hot temperatures cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow to the skin, and blood vessels near the skin’s surface to expand. This makes your veins more visible.
  10. Dehydration: When the body is dehydrated, the blood becomes more concentrated, making your veins appear more prominent.
  11. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as clotting disorders, can also contribute to visible veins.

Why are the veins in my hands so prominent?

Your hands are a very common place to have prominent veins firstly because its an area that has a low amount of natural body fat compared to other areas of the body. This means your veins are more likely to show through, especially as the skin on them becomes even thinner as you age or due to body fat reduction if you lose weight. The hands are also particularly affected by dehydration, exercise and changes in temperature – all of which, as explained above, can make veins more prominent.

Are prominent veins a sign of breast cancer? 

On its own, prominent veins are not typically considered a direct sign of breast cancer. However, it is important to be vigilant about changes in breast appearance and seek medical advice if something doesn’t feel right. Other signs to look out for during your regular self-checks, include lumps, changes in skin quality such as dimpling and redness, pain and nipple inversion.

What veins can you get removed?

When we talk about vein removal, we tend to be discussing varicose or spider veins. Varicose veins are large, swollen and twisted, often developing in the legs, while spider veins are smaller, web-like veins that appear close to the surface of the skin. Another variety are reticular veins, which are slightly larger than spider veins. All can be removed via the various methods discussed below.

However, there are some veins that cannot be removed due to their necessity in the body. Deep veins for example play a crucial role in transporting blood back to the heart, so they are not typically removed. It is also not advisable to remove all superficial veins, especially on the face.

How to get rid of prominent veins without surgery?

There are a range of options available for reducing the appearance of prominent veins without surgery, as well as completely removing them should that be your favoured approach:

1. Compression stockings: These specialised garments are designed to improve blood circulation by providing pressure to the legs without the need for any sort of invasive treatment. It is a method best used to reduce the appearance of mildly prominent veins.

2. Sclerotherapy: This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting a solution into the prominent vein, which causes it to collapse and then fade over time. It is a common and popular treatment for spider veins.

3. Laser therapy: Targeted laser energy can be used to target spider veins and smaller varicose veins on the face and body. It involves a laser that emits a specific wavelength of light that targets hemoglobin, the pigment in red blood cells that gives blood its red color. When the laser energy is absorbed by hemoglobin, it heats up causing damage to the blood vessel walls, leading them to collapse, close and eventually be absorbed by the body.

4. IPLIntense pulsed light (IPL) is effective on thread veins, as the light energy is also attracted to haemoglobin, breaking up the pigment so that the body can disperse it.

5. EVLA: For larger varicose veins, treatments like endovenous laser ablation may be appropriate. EVLA is performed by inserting a thin laser fibre into the affected vein, before laser energy is delivered that heats the vein wall, causing it to collapse and seal shut. This reroutes blood to healthier veins, so the vein can be absorbed.

6. Radiofrequency Ablation: In a similar way to EVLA, radiofrequency ablation uses radiofrequency energy, delivered through a catheter, to close off prominent varicose veins.

How much does vein removal cost?

The cost of vein removal depends on the approach you decide to take and the severity of your condition. You’ll be able to find out more after a consultation with your practitioner, but on average you can expect to pay from £150 for a session of sclerotherapy; from £200 for laser therapy; and around £1000 per leg for Endovenous Laser Ablation or Radiofrequency Ablation.

Are there any medical implications of prominent veins?

In some fairly rare cases, prominent veins may be a symptom of an underlying vascular condition that requires further attention. If you experience significant discomfort or your veins have suddenly or significantly changed, go speak to your doctor to rule out any underlying issues.

How easy is it to remove prominent veins?

The ease of treating prominent veins depends on their size, your overall health, the underlying cause of the prominent veins, and the chosen treatment method. Non-invasive treatments like sclerotherapy and laser therapy are an increasingly popular option, due to their straightforward and safe approach, with little to no downtime.

What is the surgical solution for prominent vein removal?

Surgery is considered less necessary nowadays due to the availability of less invasive tweakments, but for stubborn or severe prominent veins it is still a possibility. The main surgical procedure is ‘vein stripping’, where the affected veins are physically removed. It is an effective but much more invasive option, with a longer recovery period.

What lifestyle changes could make a difference to prominent veins?

Taking preventive lifestyle measures can be very important for reducing your risk of prominent veins (and helping with ones you already have). Try to maintain a health weight and a regular exercise routine, being mindful that periods of extending sitting or standing can be a trigger for prominent veins. Elevating your legs when you are sitting can minimise their development and progression as well.

Are there skincare options that can improve prominent veins?

Skincare can’t work directly on your veins so it won’t magically reduce their appearance, but its ability to improve skin quality could help to some degree. For that reason it’s important to keep your skin hydrated, for example with moisturisers, and use SPF to reduce UV damage, especially on areas like the hand. There is also some evidence that caffeine-containing products may temporarily constrict blood vessels to reduce some redness, while Vitamin K, which is associated with blood clotting, may provide a subtle improvement too.

Can at-home devices help reduce prominent veins?

Don’t be lured in by any at-home device that claims it can help with prominent veins. There are unfortunately no proven gadgets that can treat them efficiently outside of a practitioner’s clinic.


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