Tweakment Finder TWEAKMENT



More Tweakments Stories


As clinics reopen – what’s the new normal for tweakments?

Now that tweakments clinics are reopening after lockdown, what will an appointment for toxins or filler be like? Alice Hart-Davis has the lowdown.


Does microneedling hurt?

Microneedling isn't as painful a tweakment as you might imagine. Fresher, stronger, clearer skin is worth a bit of discomfort, says Alice Hart-Davis

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Facial Sculpting with Teoxane

This week, Alice discovers why more midlife men are turning to injectable fillers, and how this alters the way a practitioner will inject a face.


What is… Prejuvenation?

What does prejuvenation mean? It's a term cosmetic practitioners use to talk about preventative treatments which they use to delay the signs of ageing.

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Tummy Tightening with StimSure

There's a new trend in aesthetic medicine for toning and strengthening muscles using electro-magnetic pulses, but can does it work? Alice tries StimSure.

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: my stem-cell assisted fat transfer procedure

What is stem-cell assisted fat transfer and how can it rejuvenate the face? Alice Hart-Davis outlines her experience of the procedure at the Cadogan Clinic

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Improving hydration and remodelling the skin using Profhilo

This week I'm looking at Profhilo—an injectable moisturiser designed to hydrate skin from the inside-out and address crepey skin, fine lines and wrinkles....

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Lip Enhancement by Dr Kate Goldie with BELOTERO® Lips

For this week’s Tweak of the Week, I went to see Dr Kate Goldie for lip enhancement with BELOTERO lips. Did it hurt? What do the results look like?

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Trying the Environ Essential Youth Reset treatment

How can the Environ Essential Youth Reset treatment supercharge your skin? Just how powerful are vitamin A products?

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Microneedling with SkinPen Precision

Microneedling sounds scary, but what does it actually involve? Alice tries the SkinPen Precision treatment.

Tweak of the Week

Tweak of the Week: Emsculpt at the Dr Rita Rakus Clinic

Emsculpt is an extraordinary new technology for body shaping which promises to build muscle and reduce fat at the same time. Alice Hart-Davis tries it out.


What does toxins feel like when it starts to work?

What to expect when you've just had toxins and how you can tell that your treatment is working.


Is it too late for toxins?

Are you worried that you have left it too late for toxins? The good news is that it's never too late, you'll just have to manage your expectations first.


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